Samsung plasma S50HW-YD14 screen component protection control circuit - android - Phones Developers

First, the screen protection control related signals
1. VDD-DET power supply detection signal: output a set of 5V power supply from the logic board CN2033 socket 14 and 15 to the X drive component CN4001 socket 14, 15 feet. This voltage is sent directly to the power supply of the X drive component. The CN4701 socket 13 pin is sent to the 13 pin of the Y drive component CN5001 socket via the connection line to form a VDD-DET power supply detection signal.
2, Y adapter component power supply detection signal: Y drive components T5000 (LJ26-00105A), U5001 (FSL136MR) and other circuit components mainly produce VSCAN voltage, while forming Y adapter components work power supply: 17V, 144V two sets of voltage ( Measurement of the Y drive assembly in suspension). The 17V power supply is sent from the 4th pin of the Y drive component CN5002 to the 9th pin of the Y adapter component CN54OO; the 144V power supply is fed into the Y adapter component CN540011, 12 from the 1st and 2nd pins of the Y drive component CN5002. In addition to supplying power to the Y adapter component IC, the 17V power supply is directly sent to the CN5403 socket 11 pin, and is sent to the Y drive component CN5005 socket 2 pin through the connection socket. The 144V power supply also supplies power to the Y-transfer component IC. The circuit also tests the 144V power supply. The test result is output to the CN5403 socket 10 pin in open-drain mode, and is sent to the Y drive component CN5005 socket 3 pin through the connection socket.
3. Protection request signal (DRV-RESET) and protection execution signal (DS-RESET): The DRV-RESET signal is a signal that the Y drive component recognizes an error message and transmits a request to the logic board. The low level is normal. The high level request protection is sent from the Y drive component CN5006 socket 21 to the logic board. The DS-RESET signal is the signal that the logic board transmits to the execution protection of the Y driver component. The low level is normal, and the protection is performed at the high level, and is sent from the Y drive component CN5006 socket 22.
Second, S50HW-YD14 screen protection circuit (on Y drive components)
S50HW-YD14 screen protection circuit principle: VDD power supply is provided by the logic board CN2022 socket through the cable to the 25 and 24 pins of the Y drive component CN5006 socket to supply power for the protection detection circuit.
After the 17V power supply passes through the resistors R5007 and ZD5000, the optocoupler primary LED is lit. The secondary is equivalent to the short circuit. The photocouple 4 pin is equivalent to the ground. The U5005's 3-pin input is low, and the U5003's 17-pin output is low. It is sent to the 1 pin of the double diode D5009. At the same time, the VDD-DET power signal fed back from the CN5001 socket is divided by R5013 and R5058, so that the Q5004 is saturated and turned on, and its collector output is low to the 3 pin of the double diode D5009. The two low-level signals are outputted by the D5009, R5014, and R5011 OR gates, and the low-level signal is output to the CN5006's 21 pin (DRV-RESET). The logic board recognizes that the DRV-RESET signal is low, and determines that the entire screen circuit is working properly.
On the one hand, when the X board is not connected to the circuit or is seriously damaged, the VDD-DET power signal cannot saturate the Q5004. The VDD power supply is high on the R5011 via the resistors R5012 and D5009 from pin 3 to pin 2, R5014 and R5014. The level of the optocoupler primary does not emit light, the optocoupler secondary is equivalent to an open circuit, the VDD power supply passes through R5008, R5088 to ground, and the divided voltage is sent to the 3 pin of U5005. After being driven by U5005, the high level signal is output from the 17th pin. A high-level DRV-RESET protection request signal is formed on R5011 via pins 1 to 3, R5014, and R5011 of D5009 to ground. Third, when the Y switching component detects abnormality of the 144V power supply, it will make the Q5401 saturate and conduct. When it is turned on, the optical coupling 1 pin is shorted to the floating ground, the optical coupling can not emit light, and it will also form on the R5011. A high level DRV-RESET protection request signal.
After the logic board recognizes the high-level protection request signal, it performs protection immediately: the DS-RESET signal is sent from the logic board, and is sent to the Y drive component through the CN5006 socket 22 pin, and then added to the U5005, U5000 pin 1 to the ground. Turn off the two-chip output, let the subsequent circuit stop working without signal input, and the logic board sends a VS-ON shutdown signal to the power board, so that the power board turns off the VS and VA power output for protection purposes.
This screen protection control principle is exactly the same as the S50HW-YD13 screen, which can be used for maintenance.

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