Visually identify the level of color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps

Abstract: This paper briefly introduces some basic knowledge of colorimetry and some basic principles for identifying and evaluating the color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps. A simple method and standard for the differential evaluation of the color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps is described intuitively.

Keywords: energy-saving lamps, trichromatic light, spectral energy distribution, color table, color temperature, color rendering, color rendering index, effective visual light effect, effective visual illumination

I. Overview

The color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps is an important part of its many technical quality parameters. The color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps is not inferior to the construction of a clear, bright and comfortable lighting environment.

Correct identification of the color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps has important practical significance for the scientific application of energy-saving lamps.

In this paper, how to visually identify the color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps, introduce a simple and easy method for reference.

Second , the basic knowledge of colorimetry

Identifying and evaluating the color rendering performance of energy-saving lamps involves some basic principles of photometry and colorimetry. It is a relatively unfamiliar area for those who sell and use energy-saving lamps.

Therefore, this article introduces some introductory knowledge of colorimetry. In order to identify and evaluate the basic principle of energy-saving performance of energy-saving lamps, we can have a scientific and correct understanding.

(A), the basic principle of three primary color light

The results of spectral energy distribution research prove that the light of any color in nature is composed of red (R) , green (G) and blue (B) light, which are combined in a certain proportion. The three kinds of light, red (R) , green (G) , and blue (B) , are called three primary colors.

To scientifically represent and define the color of light, the International Lighting Commission (CIE) of 1931 enacted the RGB Tricolor Light Standard. The wavelength of the red (R) color light is 700.0 nm , the wavelength of the green (G) color light is 546.1 nm , and the wavelength of the blue (B) color light is 435.8 nm .

Standard white (E) color light is a combination of red (R) , green (G) , and blue (B) color light in a certain ratio. The ratio of the three primary colors of standard white (E) color light is: ∮R: ∮G: ∮B=1: 4.5907:0.0601. Namely: 1Lm red (R) light + 4.5907Lm green (G) light + 0.0601Lm blue (B) light = 5.6508Lm standard white (E) color light.

The natural sunlight is the standard white (E) shade.

(B), the basic principles of human vision

There are three kinds of visual cells in the human eye's retina. They are sensitive to red (R) , green (G) , and blue (B) colors in visible light, respectively. The peaks of their sensitivity are peaks in red (R) , green (G) , and blue (B) colors, respectively. .

Light of any color in nature radiates into the eyes of a person. They are all applied to the retina of the human eye according to their spectral energy distribution. On the three visual cells sensitive to red (R) , green (G) and blue (B) , they produce a whole on the visual nerve center. The color of the visual sense.

The spectral energy distribution of light is different, and the overall color visual perception produced by the visual nerve center is different. Therefore, the human eye can distinguish a variety of colors.