RGB color LED lights that can be networked

[Abstract] RasPiO Inspiring designed five basic shapes such as straight line, triangle, circle, semicircle, and cube. Through these splicing, you can combine into a myriad of complex and varied graphics.

Tencent digital news (words) every year from Christmas, the streets are all without exception, decorated by a variety of colored LED bulbs. There is no doubt that, whether it is winter or midsummer, there are light nights always exceptionally warm.

How can we make these LED bulbs more varied and unique? Mountain people have their own tricks...

A few days ago, a set of RGB color LED lamps called RasPiO Inspiring was successfully developed and started to be crowdfunded.

Apart from being able to put together a variety of 2D and 3D shapes, the LED bulb has the biggest advantage in terms of light intensity, color, and blinking modes. A simple set of light bulbs can have numerous variations.

Different from the previous LED light strip mode, RasPiO Inspiring uses a combination of LED light bulb group splicing.

In order to be able to combine various planar and three-dimensional patterns and graphics, RasPiO Inspiring designed five basic shapes such as straight lines, triangles, circles, semicircles, and cubes.

Through these splicing, you can combine into a myriad of complex and varied graphics.

Whether you want to hang on a tree for decoration, or you want to stitch patterns, you can even spell letters easily.

As mentioned earlier, the biggest advantage of RasPiO Inspiring is that you can programmatically control the color, changes, and strength of lights.

RasPiO Inspiring supports Raspberry Pi, Python, Arduino, ESP8266 and ATtiny.

Even after the Wi-Fi module is connected, it can be remotely controlled via a smartphone.

Of course, the user can also choose other various control modules.

For example, adding a variety of sensors can be set to control the RasPiO Inspiring with a certain light intensity, motion status, or sound.

In a word, RasPiO Inspiring is not impossible.

At present, this RasPiO Inspiring has begun to raise funds, crowdfunding target is 10,000 US dollars, crowdfunding price is 10.5 US dollars (about 72 yuan), is expected to officially begin shipping in September this year.

Like colorful LED lights, like DIY friends, quickly let the backyard of your own home light up.

Source: kickstarter

Distribution Cabinet

The Main Distribution Frame is offered with compact size from 10pair (for 1 piece 10 pair disconnection krone module) to 2400 pair. For the installation, there are surface mount, floor standing, pole mount three ways for different application. Outdoor and indoor type is on option. Typically, the outdoor box is equipped with an airtight and watertight cover that allows for easy access to the interior components, making it easy to inspect and replace those components when and as necessary.

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