[Photo] Practical circuit using STK3048 and STK6153

Practical circuit using STK3048 and STK6153

This article introduces a power amplifier thick film integrated circuit STK3048 and STK6153, the sound quality of the playback is impressive, the cost performance is extremely high, especially suitable for beginners and friends who prefer to set up a successful production.

[Circuit principle]
(1) Use STK3048 to directly drive the complementary high-power tube STK3048. The use voltage is high and the dynamic width is wide. The differential input tube is accurately paired. The common emitter terminal and output collector terminal are both loaded with a constant current source, so the distortion is low and the gain is high. Power supply ripple suppression is strong. Using STK3048 to promote high-power tube not only has superior performance but also saves a lot of pairing and debugging, which is simple and reliable.

Figure 3-38 is a circuit diagram of using STK3048 to push the power tube 2N3055 and MJ2955. The circuit is so simple that there can be no more components. R1 and R2 can be used directly on the finished board. If the tube is not hot after being energized; if there is no other abnormality, you can adjust the RP without load, so that the voltage drop on R1 and R2 is 10 ~ 13mV, so that the quiescent current of VT1 and VT2 is 40 ~ 50mA, working in Class A and B state. When soldering, the decoupling capacitor and pin (8) of the integrated circuit can be soldered together, and the other input “ground” terminals are connected here. If the midpoint voltage is greater than 10mV, it can be connected to the servo circuit (this article actually measured 30mV). After adjustment, the speaker can be connected to work. When I auditioned, I felt no worse than some mid-range aircraft.

(2) Push STK6153 with LF353
STK6153 adopts a fully complementary symmetric structure, which has the advantages of high speed, low noise, and high power. Due to the internal bias of the constant current source, the state is stable. The exposed radiator is electrically insulated from the internal circuit and is easy to use. The circuit is shown in Figure 3-39. The gain of the circuit can be adjusted by appropriately changing the resistance of the resistor. The use of high-quality CBB capacitors for small-capacity DC blocking capacitors can improve sound quality.

No debugging is required for this circuit. During the audition, I felt that the treble sound was surprisingly bright, and even felt a little exaggerated, but it was very transparent, without any reluctance. The subjective evaluation is clearer than that of the LM3886 of TDA1514, the bounce and texture of the bass are also quite strong, and the listening feeling is very good.

Technical area detailed analysis of Doherty power amplifier design load traction principle (top) detailed analysis of Doherty power amplifier design how to improve efficiency (lower) voltage follower input and output error analysis lm386 power amplifier energization will produce noise causes and treatment methods analysis class d Solve the effect of power amplifier on emi

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